Letter to my Daughter: You are a Light in the World.

You are a Light in the World I love that you wake up singing. That even before you knew the words, you knew the song in your heart and you wanted to hear the joy. You wanted to share the joy that lived in you. You are a light, my child. A beacon in theContinue reading “Letter to my Daughter: You are a Light in the World.”

A Letter to my Daughter, When the World Seems so Scary

Jan 6, 2021 Yesterday, we watched all day long as what was supposed to be a very.boring government business day turned into something of a nightmare. I couldn’t look away and neither could the world, as rioters from a pro-Trump protest pushed police out of the way and overran Capitol Hill and let themselves inContinue reading “A Letter to my Daughter, When the World Seems so Scary”

The Christmas That Almost Wasn’t 2020 edition

This holiday like everyone else’s was a little different than normal. I’ve done a FaceTime Christmas before when I was living in China, where I watched as family and friends enjoyed Dominican faire and music. It was pre-covid but I guess I was a little prepared to watch others’ festivities like I was watching aContinue reading “The Christmas That Almost Wasn’t 2020 edition”

Jingle Jangle: Where have you been all my life?

I know I’m late to the Jingle parade but I grew up with a mother obsessed with Christmas but we didn’t start until the day after thanksgiving. This year I did my best to keep at least one tradition alive. Watch holidays’ movies when their holiday comes up. I waited until the back-to-school died downContinue reading “Jingle Jangle: Where have you been all my life?”

Timeless Words for Them

If you didn’t see these beautiful letters roaming on Veteran’s Day, I’m sending you there now. A World War II Veteran’s Timeless Words for his Son There is something that happens when you have a child and the world is crumbling around you. As a single person, your world is your own. You take leapsContinue reading “Timeless Words for Them”

Letters to my daughter

An attempt at Spoken Word, as I lie in wait pondering this world and all its complications. September Lullaby Whomever you are. Be you. The world is heartless. Unkind. Guard your heart, never let them take your glory. You are strong, vulnerable, courageous. They don’t know your full story. We could not be blind, ToContinue reading “Letters to my daughter”

How Can I Explain 2020 to You?

Letters to my Daughter .3 The Love That Transcends This Home is Greater Than The Hate Outside of It. Your Mother I didn’t know my purpose I had no idea what I was searching for in life. I was afraid of taking action because I was afraid of the judgement and the pushback for beingContinue reading “How Can I Explain 2020 to You?”

Do As I Say, And As I Do

or Raising Kids That Are Socially Aware From birth to adulthood, parents the world over want to create better for their children. Sometimes it seems more difficult than we think. Sometimes what we feel is best for them, we find they may disagree with later. We are currently living through moments of civil unrest andContinue reading “Do As I Say, And As I Do”


You are taller today. Taller than you were yesterday but I can still see the dimples of infancy from certain angles.  Every day you amaze me. Amaze me in how you think, how you see the world.  You are learning to argue your point without intelligible words, for you have very little. But that doesContinue reading “Dimples”

How Covid-19 showed me I’m the World’s Worst Mother

E​veryone has their doubts, their internal demons and what they secretly tell themselves they are bad at, whether or not the world agrees. It usually takes serious intervention in order to keep these “downer demons” at bay, but when you have nothing to do except think during quarantine– they can definitely rear their ugly heads. Continue reading “How Covid-19 showed me I’m the World’s Worst Mother”